Fall In Love With Yourself – Know, Like, and Trust –then there’s no turning back.

The first step with regards to doing anything is more often than not the most difficult.  However, Martin Luther King, a.k.a. my birthday twin and hero said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

The first step is like a breath of fresh air. “Fear nothing, attempt everything, unknow!” -Unknown

Take the first step to owning your voice, speaking your truth, and fall in love with yourself.

Like most things in life, what it commonly boils down to is simple: we need each other – whether we like it or not. If we are to exist and live, we require healthy relationships that can teach us how to know and expand ourselves. How we speak to ourselves, the opinions we have, and labels we give ourselves are a telltale sign of how we manage ourselves and will determine how we choose to share and treat others. I like to base this on the three phases of creating relationships, which is widely used in business networking, and I’ll use here to show how we love ourselves.  An example of this is the Know, Like, and Trust Factor.  To have a successful relationship, consider that if you understand these three phases, and use them on yourself and others to create relationships.  

There’s no difference between having a relationship with yourself or another person. Having a relationship with another person gives you a mirror to see yourself. It’s important that we take these phases, put them into action, and then practice them. Adopting these steps will help you build meaningful connections which can result in meaningful, stable relationships.  

Step 1: Know

Just like you would get to know another human being, it’s important to get to know yourself. It’s important to know yourself in a way that allows you to know and share what you’re about.  What you say about yourself becomes law in your universe. So asking yourself questions is important to know and understand what you’re saying about yourself and how you show up in the world amongst your friends, colleagues, family, and everyone.  Such as:

-What do I do?

-What do I know?

-Where am I from?

-What am I interested in?

-What inspires me?

-What am I committed to?

-What do I care about?

-Who am I as a human being?

-What do I love about my life? Myself? (This one’s my favorite)

As we all know, there are a million-and-one questions one could ask and know about oneself. However, the key is to be able to share your discoveries so that others can be related to what you know about yourself and, in turn, feel free to share themselves.

The more you know about yourself, and the more you can share, the more open and secure you will be. Personal freedom provides a space for others to know you and, in turn, you will get to know them.  However, there are no guarantees.  No one has to share themselves with you.  Consider what it takes for you to learn about yourself.  It might’ve not been easy.  It calls for a particular level of trust which brings us to step number 2:

Step 2: Like

The “Like” I’m talking about is how you feel about yourself.  It’s not the kind of “like” where you compromise yourself because you want to be validated.  That kind lives as no respect; no sense of self  “like me; please like me.” The kind where one is not very confident and will compromise themselves.  That is not the same  “like.”  

“Do you like yourself?” is one of the first questions I often ask my clients. What I’ve found is some people have a difficult time with this question.  If you experience hesitation, take a long pause, or hear crickets when you find yourself sitting in your head not being present, waiting for answers; then this should be a clue to you that you might not like yourself.  

This kind of person excites me and saddens me at the same time.  A person that likes themselves, usually answers the question as soon as it’s asked. There’s no hesitation; they’re not making themselves wrong.

Am I pleasant?

Am I respectful?

Do I do as I say I will when I say I will do it?

Do I have things in common with others?

What are my values?

Can I trust myself?

Do I accept myself?

Am I likable?

Am I generous?

Do I find myself attractive?

Do I care about myself?

Do I nurture myself, my dreams, and aspirations?

How are my confidence and self-esteem?

How do I see myself?

These questions seem easy. However, if you can’t answer them, you might find yourself experiencing difficulty sharing with people.

Step 3: Trust

Trust is the fuel in your tank of life.  If you trust yourself, you can and will trust others, as you ultimately know that you’re the person that is choosing to trust.  You know that you’re the one that is responsible for your belief to believe in trust.  With that, you create a sense of freedom.  You have power and, you can, in turn, depend on yourself to take care of yourself and ask the right questions, so you don’t wallow in regret and mess.  Trusting yourself provides you the power to listen to your instincts and follow your wisdom, discover the places that get activated; for instance, your gut when you don’t feel trust. You make yourself your authority on what is right for you.  Which helps develop the confidence that you can provide others. You’ll go within yourself rather than looking for answers outside yourself or from others; always being aware that no one has your answers.  However, not negating that there will be times when you’ll have to seek guidance from others. Seeking help will be a form of contrast in areas of your life that you are unfamiliar.  People will give their tuppence worth; ultimately you still have to choose what’s true for you based upon your level of self-trust.

Do I trust myself?

Do I trust my behaviors? Habits?

Can I trust myself to handle life challenges?

Do I trust and stand for myself?

Do I trust and believe in myself?

Can I trust my judgments?

Can I trust that I’m working in my best interest?

Do I believe that I’m growing and developing as a human being?

Do I know if I have trust in myself?

Can I be trusted?

Do people trust me?

Do I honor my word?


Consequently, until you have gone through these three phases personally, you will have a hard time going through them with others.  Without self-trust, you will always be looking outside of yourself, consider that you’ll experience challenging times growing, creating, and developing yourself.

Have faith, stay strong, and be interested in yourself so that you can be interested in others.  

From time to time you may feel as though your life isn’t working.  One thing to remember is that you’re not an object nor are you static.  You are a fluid human being who is forever changing, growing, shifting, and transforming in your life.  

Be consistent and play with these phases. Commit know, like, and trust to memory. Go easy, and most of all have fun, own your voice, speak your truth, and Live Life Your Way!

If you want to start exploring yourself a bit more, don’t forget you can sign on to my website, www.noreensumptercoach.com to schedule a FREE 15 minute Hello Call at anytime.

Love yourself. Until next time!

Ready, Set, Audition! The Actor’s Workshop for Confidence and Success

Identify and shift negative thought patterns that are holding you back in life.

Live Fully Self Expressed.

Overcome Your Fear & Insecurities As An Actor

Live a Life of Freedom and True Power and
Get the Job of Your Dreams!

An audition “is a trial; a hearing given to a singer, actor or other perforer to test suitability for employment, professional training or competition” as per Dictionary.com.

Congrats! You’ve landed the audition that you’ve been dreaming about! You are about to be put to the “test,” you are about to show ‘em what you got. Now what?  How do you handle the pressure? Where do your thoughts go?  Do you immediately jump into fear, judgement, worry and anxiety? Or do you keep your cool?

What thoughts do you have about yourself before, during and after the audition or interview? How do you relate to yourself? Is your head filled with self-deprecating or negative whispers? Do you find these whispers get in the way of stepping into your full potential during the audition?

In this workshop you will find out what is holding you back from landing the job of your dreams. You will identify your negative thought patterns and learn to re-create your role in life, specifically your role as the “auditioning performer.”

Believe it or not, your thoughts and understanding of your experiences (past, present & future) fully determine the path you will take in life. Oftentimes we aren’t able to see how our thoughts and judgments are holding us back. This Workshop will help you uncover just that.

Together, we will go beyond what you can figure out on your own. You will discover ‘who you are being’ during an audition and who you want to be. You will reinvent and re-create your role as “auditioning performer”. You will redefine your concept of self and shift your thoughts and actions surrounding auditioning and interviewing.

Learn to audition free from fear, rejection and disappointment. Land the job of your dreams, create the career of a lifetime and learn to enjoy the journey of creation.

Saturday, July 22, 2017 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
At the Theatre at St. Clement’s, 423 West 46th St, NYC
Fee: $40 In Advance Online.
Day of Workshop: $47.00 Cash Only

The Workshop by Noreen Sumpter

Are you dissatisfied with life?
Are parts of your life not working the way you want?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything & nothing works?

The Workshop is a LIVE small group workshop created to help you remove blocks in your life and release yourself from being stuck. This program is designed to help you take steps towards expanding and inventing yourself to create the life of your dreams! Jam packed with discovery sessions,investigative homework assignments and introspective questions  encouraging you to dig deep, this LIVE, four week workshop is sure to make a change in your life. The Workshop begins Tuesday April 14th 7:30pm (EDT)

If You Think the Workshop Might Be For You
Click here for more info! 

If you feel constantly stuck and are ready to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, OWN YOUR VOICE and LIVE LIFE YOUR WAY, then click below to sign up and join us April 114h! For all session dates and payment info click link below.

Yes, I’m Interested in LIVING LIFE MY WAY!

The London Workshop

Are you dissatisfied with life?
Are parts of your life not working the way you want?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything & nothing works?

The Workshop is a LIVE small group workshop created to help you remove blocks in your life and release yourself from being stuck. This program is designed to help you take steps towards expanding and inventing yourself to create the life of your dreams! Jam packed with discovery sessions,investigative homework assignments and introspective questions  encouraging you to dig deep, this LIVE, four week workshop is sure to make a change in your life. The Workshop begins Tuesday April 11th 7:30pm (GMT)

If You Think the Workshop Might Be For You
Click here for more info! 

If you feel constantly stuck and are ready to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, OWN YOUR VOICE and LIVE LIFE YOUR WAY, then click below to sign up and join us April 11th! For all session dates and payment info click link below.

Yes, I’m Interested in LIVING LIFE MY WAY!

What you don’t face will and can hurt you

face your

To face what’s not working in your life, you must take an action step to complete it. By completing I mean letting go of all the drama that you have surrounding the things you are choosing to face. Do not make it wrong or make yourself wrong about it, release it and let it be. No more complaining.

You might have to take action and even risk not being right or even not being liked.

From time to time we all experience situations that we do not like or that seem remarkable, uncomfortable, embarrassing and/or painful. These situations might often cause vulnerability. These feelings or situations can be lived with. You might not relish them, but you have survived the year experiencing them. The situation might be one area of life that is not working so that unconscious voice inside orders you indirectly to hide the experience behind clichés, myths and points of view. All the while, you are not realizing or accepting that self-denial is what is in the driving seat. Hello Baby!

Some of these clichés might live in the following statements:

It’s none of my business.

Don’t air your dirty laundry with me.

One drink before bed is fine, granny did it for years.

One more cigarette I’ll quit tomorrow, what can one do.

I hate the job but it pays the bills.

He does not mean to ___ me.

It’s just this one time what can it hurt.

I’m sure he’s going to pay me back he said he would.

Credit cards debt is normal everybody has some.

Someone else will do it. It’s not my job anyway.

People like us __________.

Those kinds of people ____________.

A good percentage of the time, it is human to make up reasons why things are the way they are. If you don’t accept the denial of making up reasons, you create more reasons on top the first set of reasons. That is what we do. One denial brings a mountain of reasons that we automatically believe to be real. By not facing why the problem turned up in the first place, we fail to acknowledge the situation quickly. When we face our problems, we experience less pain to begin with and the problem becomes easier to resolve.

Sometimes reasons why something is not working the way they ought to is a bunch of bubble wrap. The car would not have broken down on the highway if I had taken it to the shop sooner. Now there’s a tow truck and repairs to pay for. One top of that, the triple AAA membership expired just a day or so ago. This is a perfect example of what could have been avoided had the situation been taken care of when it first came up. It would have been cheaper, saved time and if some integrity had been put in the situation might never have happened.

Ask yourself: are you willing to take steps to get past your states of denial? Are you willing to face your states and situations sooner than later instead of hiding out with it in denial? Real power exists when you face life head on, even when you do not feel like it.

Jump in, get help, clear the denial so you can breathe. You know who you are.

Take responsibility for your life, for all the things that you do and do not do. No more pretending not notice that something is missing, not working or was not done.

Live Life Your Way,

Noreen Sumpter Life Coach

Noreen Sumpter, Personal Life Coach: works with High Achievers who feel trapped in their private life and helps them build up their personal confidence and self-esteem. By helping you clear mental clutter and dissolve limiting beliefs, you can take deliberate steps, own your voice, speak your truth and have the freedom to Live Life Your Way.


Calling In The One Unapologetically – Completion Celebration
Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Calling In The One


An amazing piece of work, lively, revealing, challenging, provoking. Not for the faint of heart. Clear out the old, make room for a new and appropriate relationship. Leave old lovers in the past.  Expand your capacity to give and receive love courageous.

The Story of the Veil

“Goddess World” is an amazing world and Calling In The One Unapologetically is an amazing workshop.  Women honoring themselves provides a world of generosity that is paramount to the kind of generosity that we know, abolishing obsolete conversations about women and catfight conversations of no power. Where we have power, to work as a human collective that expands our capacity to give and receive love. CALLINGINTHEONE (2)

The story of the veil.  How did the veil come around?  I was at a party with Goddess, the pussy power was off the charts.  Goddesses were excited, happy and we were fanning a flames of desires all over the place. There were younger, older Goddesses.  There were African Goddess, Asian Goddesses and White Goddesses.  There were tall and short, petite and full bodies.  To top it off there were Goddesses of all description.  The one thing that we all had in common was that we were having fun.  We were enjoying ourselves.  Pussy had a place to be powerful that night.

Then here comes Helen, she has a veil and I ask her if she is going to get married, and she said no.  That she had just gotten married and she was happy with the man that she had chosen to marry.  She described him as a good man.  A good man.  Wow, I would love a good man.  I have had men that were good.  However, it is been a long time since I have a good man that I am happy with and would have welcomed him into my life to stay.  I said “I would love to have a good man in my life.”  She asked me if I would like her wedding veil.

Her veil was used on one of the happiest days of her life. I looked at her and immediately said no.  How could I take her veil?  I thought for a moment about her generosity, could I be that generous? I thought again and heard something specific for myself, and that was that I would love to be married to a good man.

I then said to her that I would love her veil and that she had to be sure if she wanted to give it away.  She looked at me and thought for a moment. Here we were, a black woman and a white woman sharing what was important to us in the area of love.  Love was the connection that was present for us.  She asked me again, if I really wanted to be married to which I said yes.  Yes, as my heart and my body had a reaction which I could feel the adrenaline racing through my body.  I said yes.  I would love your veil as I saw it as a beautiful amazing gift from one woman to another. She veiled me, and with that I lowered my head as she placed it on me.  It was amazing.  Love and marriage for me and all women who wanted it.  All women, no woman left behind. If it is something that we desire, it is possible. 

Marriage and a great man of my wildest dreams felt truly possible.  So the veil was integrated into Calling In The One Unapologetically.  I thank you Helen for your love, commitment and generosity and I look forward to passing it on.

And that is the story of the veil.

Live Life Your Way,

Noreen Sumpter Life Coach

Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Calling In The One



Why Are Relationships So Difficult

Why do relationships have to be so difficult?  That is the chant of everyone going through buy cialis a breakup.  Why take your breakups so personally? When you are going through a breakup, do you dig recall conversations that you can use to sooth your pain, to use as an excuse to make the other party into a despicable person? Do you look for  anything to make yourself look good and the other person look bad?  It takes resilience and honor to remain a balanced loving individual that understands that a breakup is not personal.  If you have difficulty in any area of a breakup, you’ll dredge up past hurts, thoughts and feelings to help justify why things are not going the way you want.

Breakup and hurt feelings are really not meant to be personal; because no matter how long it takes, our feelings are a reaction to an interaction that is not working out.  Women want to know why men become silent, and cannot communicate. Men cannot deal with the constant rehashing of old conversations commonly known or referred to as nagging. There are a lot of things that you cannot seem to understand when you are experiencing breakdowns in your relationships.  In most relationships, there is a breakdown in communication long before there is a breakup.  Sometimes there is a warning sign. Sometimes there is not.  The warning signs differs with your personal perspective.

How can a breakdown be good?  A breakdown is an opportunity to really look at what is in your relationship that is not working so that you can take the necessary actions to remedy or fix the problem in a manner that works for both parties.  However, you know that a breakup is inevitable when you haven’t taken any action in the breakdown phase.  Here is a story of a friend who is going through a breakdown/breakup:

My friend is in the midst of a challenge/breakup with her boyfriend.  She started our conversation by describing that she was not having a good day.  As she said this, she put on her sunglasses apologized for her feelings and began to cry behind her glasses. ( Humans never want to look bad not matter what).  I told her to cry as I think it best to be straight with our emotions. She had just broken up with my boyfriend.  They argued and she threw him out of her apartment (they were not living together).  Living together was the reason for the argument.  She could not understand why he was not moving in with her. She was frustrated sad, and disappointed.  The haven’t spoken for 5 weeks but that morning on the phone they spoke.  “He loves me but relationships should not have to be this hard.”

“I love him, why did he not want to move in with me?” What we want in life will only happen if we take the necessary actions to have them materialize.  What actions did you take to have him move in with you?  Did you have a deadline?  No.  I was waiting on him.  He said he did not have the money to move into our space.  I said it was okay and I will pay the bulk of the rent.  “He said no way.” Some men no matter how their situations are were not built to live off a woman.  Some men just don’t care.  No matter how liberal a woman may be.  Men will still be men. They still insist on pulling their weight.  “I thought it was his machismo shit” she said.  Well, it may be but that was really what it was for him.  He did not have the money.

She would not hear it.  She confessed to hearing was what she wanted.  Sometimes you are so in love with love and what you want, that you cannot hear what your partner has to say.   By no means is there anything wrong with what you want, but you need to take action.  What steps was she taking?  Or were she just continually talking about it so that it turned into nagging.  She realized she did not take any steps or create a deadline.  She really just waited, talked/nagged, cried and said I love you, why it was not going the way I wanted it to go?

When you are ready and willing to get straightforward and honest with yourself, you can cast off all the things that numb your mind and have you mentally and physically stuck  in your life.  She immediately saw where she was not thinking and only had thoughts that were a part of the recycling of past conversations.

More on her story next week.


The Power of Choice

Choice is an amazingly powerful tool for creating what you desire.

However, it has to be pure choice, devoid of ambiguity.

Be Bold, Responsible and Direct.  You have to feel it deep; you have to own it with responsibility.  Responsibility is about ownership – ownership of your life.

Sometimes you may be afraid to make tough choices or to realize your dreams because you don’t want to fail and take the necessary action to fulfill and manifest them.  Fear feels so real and runs so deep for people that many don’t know that fear is running the show the suffering that comes from this.  Fear is not personal, and it affects each and every one of us.

Your beliefs and self-image are woven into the very fabric of your reality.  Your self-image lives inside your subconscious mind and is always leading the way for the life you are creating.  If you have a certain self-image of someone that is always failing or losing, you may create a similar looking universe where you are always failing or losing.

For myself, I discovered that I created a world in which I never attracted the right man.  I always got the wrong guy.  I created beautiful men who were picture perfect when I wasn’t dating them.  But the moment I start dating a man – whoever he was – he quickly became the wrong guy for me.  With this discovery, it became imperative that I raise my awareness of my self-image.  My self-image was running the show.  We looked awesome together, and then, he was wrong. I had to choose if I wanted to keep this kind of self –sabotaging of my self-this world where I always choose the wrong guy.  This self-image impacted all of my life.  Wrong guys led to wrong friends, never enough, wrong areas, wrong apartments, never enough, and not good enough. All of these were beliefs that I had to decide if I wanted to hold on to or change.

This self-image concealed the best that life has to offer, and I could no longer picture what the best looked like.  This kind of discovery of the self takes courage to put us directly on Front Street, aka exposure, transparency, truth, or whatever we wish to call it.

Personally, I do not want to put myself out there and be vulnerable and transparent.  My tiny self would rather hide out than risk exposure.  However, my big self, my powerful self-image desires amazing relationships with an abundant life, and concealing myself and not knowing what my self-image is will not afford me the life that I truly desire.

If I maintain this self-image and let it take over, I’ll never experience positive change and growth in my life or anyone else’s. I’ll have a tiny life and be a tiny, miserable, ball of yuck! That’s not a life for me. I am committed to having a powerful, loving, supportive self-image and respecting myself. That is the life that I’m observing right now.

What about you? What are you observing and creating in your life?  If it is not your best life… then quit it. 

Calling in the One Unapologetically is for women who are ready to live and recreate themselves by expanding their capacity to give and receive love in their live and live their best life.   So make sure your self-image is really yours and exactly what you want to live your best life.

Why Are Relationships So Difficult Part II

Last week we were talking about why we make our relationships so difficult. I was describing the story of a friend of mine.  She wants her boy friend to move in with her, but he cannot because he is restricted by his income.  She is interpreting this as a lack of interest and has created a dramatic break-up.

During her break-up/separation, she has been talking to her friends.  You all know what talking to your friends can mean when you’re in this condition.  It builds you up for a moment. They tell you how beautiful you are, how smart you are and to dump that loser.  Most of you will agree with them for the moment and then continue to feel bad about yourself for being in love with a man that is a ‘loser’.  Then you become wrapped up in shame about your feelings.  With all of that, you begin to cry with your friends comments reverberating in your head.  “Girl, you look good.  You can find someone better”. When all along, you just want your own comfortable ‘loser’. You don’t care, you love him.   He is yours.

Well, it did not occur to me that the guy was not a loser, here was a man that had something he was having a hard time with and needed to workout.  Maybe they will go back together, maybe they won’t. But my friend seems to be handling things in a mature way.  She loves this man and it was clear because she by no means made him wrong.  She actually made herself wrong.  We looked at her actions and she got to see that she did not take any real action in preparing for or having her boyfriend move in with her. In actuality, she was crying about regrets and upsets of not knowing what to do differently.

The first things we created a promise for her to quit crying over the phone when she spoke with him.  If she did want to talk to him, then talk to him in a way that empowered her. Instead of crying, she could share what she was up to – developments with her business, her family, friends, opportunities successes, people they knew in common, etc.  Her man was clearly in her corner and wanted her to be successful when they were together, so she should continue to share her wins with him.  In return she could acknowledge how he is doing in his world with his music, congratulate him on being busy in the studio and doing his gigs.  She could continue to share love for him in a way that has her empowered, fully self-expressing herself instead of confused, upset, feeling weak and hurt all the time.

We focused on the areas of her life that were working; her business, her money/finances, her family, her friendships. She distinguished that the only things that were not working was her relationship with this man.  However, what she was doing, like many people, is that she was losing energy by focusing on the one thing that was not working.  Focusing on one problem, would inevitably collapse all that she was committed to building.   By the time we had finished talking and laughing, the color came back to her cheeks; she was sitting taller, her eyes were sparkling again.  She was expressing herself by thanking me for supporting her to think about herself and her relationship in a way that had her walk away feeling powerfully empowered and good about herself.

If my friends relationship with this man overcomes their challenge, their lives and relationship will never be the same again.  Never again will she place herself in a disempowered way. She will not live in regret, upset and confusion by living in the past and wondering what she could have done differently.  She will take risks, speak up, by taking action in her love life and life going forward.  By being a person who takes action, she will never date like that again. She will Date Like She Means It, speaking her truth, creating what is important to her in all relationships.

So, if you are reading this and or you know anyone who is just had a breakup and they are stuck in a vicious cycle of crying themselves to sleep and slowly sabotaging themselves.  Please have them read this article and if they find value send me an email or contact me at 718-834-9450.

I love having people complete old ways of being in a relationship in a way that has them feel empowered and leave the vicious cycle of heartbreak by changing their thoughts and creating a new relationship with themselves and their partners that has them love and create in an empowering way.


Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

I have been studying the works of Barbara Y. Martin, writer of the book Change Your Aura, Change Your Life for a few weeks now. Initially, I didn’t realize that I read this book and I knew her work from a while back. It was amazing to read this book again, as I am a huge proponent of Metaphysical studies.  In fact, I’ve been interested in the world of Metaphysics ever since I was 13 years old, when I did not even know what it was called at the time. It has helped me expand, live powerfully and dream big.

Of all the negative emotions, fear is one of the strongest impediments to reaching our goals and achieving success. Fear can cut to the very core of our being and paralyze us. Hate is also a powerful emotion, and has the power to inspire us to take action. Fear encourages us to take no action whatsoever. How can we go after our lives if are afraid to take action?

Fear reaches deep into our instinctual level of consciousness. Yet, our fear does not have to be a big one. We can have small fears that build up and may go unnoticed. Over time, they begin to add up. You can fear something very real or have neurotic fears wherein an innocent situation can spark terror. If it continues, fear can lead to sustained worry and depression. And most of all, fear can breed fear.

To fear something, you essentially see yourself as separate from who your true self. Fear creates separateness. Fearing something, you adhere to the belief that something or someone has power over you, and you’re powerless to do anything about it. If you return to your real self, you can see the ludicrousness in your thinking. –Barbara Y Martin

You have to face your fears with dynamic power and boundless courage. Most of us are afraid of failing. I am an optimist and I believe that every failure is a series of sequential wins – truth is, there is no such thing as failure even though it might feel as though it’s real. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times and inside his numerous failures were equally numerous wins that became opportunities for inventions. In response to a question about his missteps, Edison once said, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

Michael Jordan failed to shoot the ball 1000s of times and went on to win multiple playoff games and titles.  Jorden once exclaimed, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Based on these two people, along with thousands of others starting to realize what fear really is, they all see opportunities to understand where our amazingness lives.

Fear of failure is an illusion, one that I have experienced and suffered from countless times (truthfully, more times then I care to admit). I have also been barricaded in by my fear. Even with me being an optimist.  The difference is that I don’t dwell in my fear and I don’t linger in it as long as I used to.  I remember back to a time when I did though, a time when I had no idea of what failure or success was. Even when I appeared to be failing, success happened and ultimately success was right there.  Recently, I learned that life is a series of successes and is filled with successive moments of clarity. Success without fear and failure is something entirely different, however. Both failure and success are powerful learning experiences. Daring to ride with (and through) our fear starts to break down our weaknesses and build up strength in our thoughts and character.

Fear and failure are ever-present. Alongside fear and failure, success is constantly happening in the background and is always in expansion. For example, I have been doing my Calling in the One Unapologetically workshop for some time now and each and every time, fear finds its way into our meetings.  Now, I am not going to lie – I sometimes get frightened, because I want people to show up, I want to do a fabulous job, I love doing the work I do, and I sometimes fear that nobody will show up. I fear that it will be just me in an otherwise empty room.  However, I put this fear aside and keep moving ahead.  I do not allow fear to stop me. Do I get back on track? Yes, I clear myself and ride on.  Often times, it is just the uncertain feeling of not knowing when fear is going to come up. However, I expect it will come up, and this actualization makes me stronger.  I often wonder, if Oprah, Jordan, and all these famous people ever experience fear.  I wonder if TD Jakes or Steve Harvey experience fear on the stage in the moment.  I am sure they do; after all, they are only human.  We all have concerns like I don’t know how to do it, I get stopped by fear of the unknown, etc. I am sure we all at some point get stopped by our fear.   I won’t let it pull me out of the game. I look for the answer and get back into action. The workshops were born out of my need to find a mate. Dating is an all-in, on-the-court game that is a powerful blend of fear, failure and disappointment – but if you continue to play, you will find a way to win.

The thought of creating a mate of my own accord, without a team to support me was really boring. So, I invited a few women over to work with me. They said yes and my workshop was born. I have been Coaching Calling in the One Unapologetically for a good while now. You would think that after the first workshop and the beginning of the 2nd workshop, my fears and concerns would be eliminated by the time I got to the 3rd workshop. What happens instead is different fears and concerns show up before each workshop, which test my resolve and provide me with an opportunity to see my life in new ways. I’m eternally grateful for my continued courage to face, experience and overcome my fears quickly. Although creating workshops have become easier, I know that for anything that is of value in life, fears and concerns will always come up because that is where our courage and power live.

It’s normal to have fear and not let fear have you, or permit fear to take you off course. Fear, together with courage and power, is an essential ingredient to living life outside the lines and is critical for the success that we seek.

“Know this, you cannot enjoy the sweet taste of success if you don’t know how failure tastes.” -Unknown

Live Life Your Way,

Noreen Sumpter Personal Life Coach

Find Your Voice. Gain Your Power.


It’s time for you to speak up for yourself and find your unique voice. Create the way you want to be treated and live.  How will you ever find peace? If you allow people to treat you like a doormat, then a doormat is exactly what you will become.

Do you find yourself upset, resenting people, and not taking responsibility for what you say? Is your stomach constantly in knots? Do you find yourself swallowing your voice?  Then you might discover that the emotion behind all of this is your anger. You might be angry at your boss, spouse, friends or children –and most of all, you may be angry with yourself.

Are you getting assignments at your job that you don’t want?  You do it anyway, because after all, you’re good at it.  However, you’re now getting overloaded with work and you want to do something different, something with more zest.  But, you’re afraid to take a risk and ask for it.  You’re afraid of your boss, because you have all these misconceptions about him or her – she speaks fast, she shouts when she talks and this intimidates you, for you definitely don’t like confrontation.  You’re frustrated and afraid.  You feel confronted, you don’t know how to build up the courage to ask for what you want. You don’t want to be rejected, and so you suffer in a (loud) silence and continue on with the piles of work on your desk.

With fear of this kind, how will you ever get your boss or anyone to listen to you?  Subconsciously, you decide that you’ll keep doing the work you’re given and not make any waves.  In doing so, you allow yourself to get even more burned out and constantly feel upset.  You feel inadequate.  Now the job you once loved and were hired to do is becoming a very heavy burden. Instead of taking action and using your voice, you continue to get yourself worked up inside (for you dare not express yourself), and ultimately you become angry with yourself for staying silent.

As a result, everything in your life begins to get on your nerves, and you start a cycle of constant complaining.  The job that you once loved and fought so hard to get is now a burden as well.  Why? Because you believe that you are cowardly for refusing to stand up for yourself.  Consequently, you enter a state of constant mental pain and feel sick to your stomach every time you get in the car to go to work.  Furthermore, you’ve wearing out your friends with your constant badgering and you’re bringing that negativity into your home.  As a result, you start contemplating quitting and finding another job.

Quitting: How will this situation make your life better?  The fact of the matter is it’s not the job or the people, it’s you.  You find another job, but the reality is that you will remain the same until you get to the root cause of the issue.  You have not learned to speak up for yourself.  You are at the mercy of other people, hoping they will be able to read your mind. If you don’t make the decision to practice this and learn from your mistakes, you will continue to create this negative scenario over and over again. You start living in your head, creating self pity like “I am not appreciated.”  The more you say it, the more you believe it.  The more you believe it, the more it will show up, as you start looking for this self pity everywhere you go.

Finding your voice is an important achievement; it facilitates your ability to create yourself.  Creating and using your voice are two of the most important ways to have and live the life you want.  Imagine for a second what happens when you don’t have (and use) your own voice?  When you allow others to dictate your life by virtue of what they want because you allow them to control your voice?

Imagine again for a second that you create an abundant love for yourself and your voice. What would you be able to be, to do, to have in your life?  Would you have the ability to create confidence and self-respect? Would you be fully established and free to have a powerful, impactful voice?  Would your voice be an important factor in how you lead your life?  Speaking out our voice is the one thing that separates humans from animals and other primates. Communication using language helps you communicate your needs, wishes and desires to yourself and others.

Furthermore, the implication of not using your voice is the effect this silence has on your personal belief system. It becomes your reality. This is your life and you get to live it how you want.  It takes practice to release our negative habits, ideas and images of fear.  The first step is always the hardest, but if you do it, it will be the most memorable thing you accomplish and the spell will be broken.  Fear nothing, and you can attempt anything and everything.  But most of all, speak up for yourself, find your voice and display your personal power.

If someone asks you for a favor, first be clear that you want (or are able) to help them out. When you’re doing things you don’t want to do, this only creates resentment towards others and yourself.  Many people do favors they don’t want to do, and have not learned to tell someone “no”, or “I’m not the best person to help you with this”. Instead, many of us want to help too much, and when you live like this, you go against your feelings.  When you choose to be honest with yourself by honoring yourself, expect that some people will not like it, or that they could resent you.  People might think you’re selfish.  Nobody wants to be called selfish; everyone wants to look good and not lose face.  This often leads to a feeling of obligation in some way to another.

It is important to make your life, thoughts, goals and time your main priorities.  It is important to commit to yourself every day.  If you do favors you don’t want to do, you will get lost in the other peoples’ desires and expectations, making you feel bitter and upset. These feelings cause uncertainty of where you will be and about your choices. It is critical to be clear about what you will and will not do, as well who you truly are.  You can make your life a priority by being responsible acknowledging your thoughts and feelings when they arise. This commitment lets you be free to make the choices you want and take action, thereby providing you with a strong sense of who you are and allowing you to be happy with the choices you make for yourself and your life.

If you do not honor yourself, you will not be able to honor others. You will know when it is important to be selfless and when to flow with the priorities you have set in your life.

No, you cannot hang out at my apartment at 8:00am.  That might seem harsh to some people, but be honest with yourself what one will and will not do. It helps one feel better about oneself.  It is not one’s intention to hurt another’s feelings and also does not want to hurt one’s own feelings by saying yes when no is what is really meant.

Being honest with your desires provides your life with the respect it desires, as it frees you from creating resentment towards yourself.  Over the years, I have trained myself through pain and suffering that I must be honest with myself or as I honest as I possibly can.  Sometimes, it does not feel good to refuse a friend or a loved one.  However, when we respect our own choices, feeling good or bad has nothing to do with it.  We are just honoring our higher self and learn that we are not responsible for everyone’s happiness. And we realize that we cannot choose another’s happiness for them.

Live Life Your Way,

Noreen Sumpter

I Have a Dream

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Was one of my favorite speeches long before I knew who Martin Luther King was.  I knew Martin Luther, regarding the Lutheran Church and I soon discovered Martin Luther King through my reading in school. As I write this I Really do not recall how I even knew about Martin Luther King.  I was born in 1963.  Martin Luther King was Assassinated: April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN. Anyway, he did give his speech.  I Have a Dream Speech in my life time, I was 4 months old, probably drooling somewhere while it was on the radio or TV and it poured into me as the silence fell upon my home. However, at 15 it touched me when I was doing my Secondary School Oral Exams for my final year at school.  I choose it because it spoke to me. In a way that it was powerful, romantic and captivating in the only way my teenage self would know.

Fast forward when I arrived in the New York and I started to hear more about this man and His Dream.  I fell in love with his power and real grounded idealism.  His power and Idealism that changed a world.  So when they fought and won to give MLK is own day, I vowed that I would never work on that day.  I would do what I love and find my own dream.  So today, I have my dream.  I empower people to live their dream, to own their voice and speak their truth and live life their way.  I love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I love his stand for the world.  I love that is power and commitment to life was so powerful that he went for it.  That he went to jail, he got stabbed, chased and bitten by dogs and finally gave is life for His Dream.  To me it was a selfless life.  A full life.  He was a very young man and I am honored to share the same date of birth with him.  I am honored to be able to live my dream as a Black Women in America and to have adopted America as my homeland.

What are you willing to give your, what is your passion?  Find it, speak it and life it.

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Calling in the One Unapologetically Begins Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21st

Noreen Calling in the One_Logo-HC[6]

In this 9 week workshop you will expand your capacity to give and receive love in all areas of your life. The theme and vibration of CITOU is LoveX4 Expanded.

CITOU is attracting love in all of life. It is about being love, having love in all areas of your life.  Your career, finances, health and well-being in area of your life.  It’s about creating what love is for you.  It about you’re having appreciation of who you really are, it’s about expanding yourself, going for everything that is important to you being bold owning your power.  CITOU helps you live your life and loving it without apology.  It is about getting started now! from where you are in your life.  It’s about having the things you want passionately, focusing and clarifying with your goals and having them materialize.  It about owing that you are creator of your life and the things you desire.  That you have value and are valuable, that you’re past is the past and that you have and are no such thing as failure.  Come release fears, empower yourself and your life, developing your self-awareness by being courageous.  Finding your rockets of desire and shooting for them.  Creating your life deliberately and ride.  Don’t know what you want, stuck in conversations.  Blank to your desires.  Bring it all.  Calling in the one will have you muddle through and create what you want authentically from yourself and your life.

January 20th   Brooklyn – The Herb Shoppe
Cost: $390.00
394 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY
January 21st NYC –   Pearl Studio’s
Cost: $497.00  
500 8th Ave New York, NY

Times: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm.  
Please RSVP  
917 945 5907 or noreen@noreensumptercoach.com

Tea and Coaching with Noreen Sumpter Life Coach

Healthy tea cup jar of honey dry lavender flowers and teapot on background. Selective focus. Retro styled.

Location: The Herbshoppe

394 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn NY 11217

Date: Saturday, January 23rd

Start Time: 1:00pm to 2:45
Price: $20.00

Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically. Expand your capacity to give and receive love in all areas of your life authentically while having tea.  Start expressing the love that you are by taking action owning your true self and loving it.

The participants said the Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically was such a wonderful experience.

“I really learned a lot about myself from this one evening and it wasn’t even the workshop. I am happy I came and it was better than what I expected.”

Please RSVP – space is very limited.

917 945 5907


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